

Life can be very pleasant if we live according to our nature, and life can be very challenge if live against our nature. For example, many people like the feeling of drinking coffee in the morning which gives us a burst of energy and freshness, it also has detoxing effect, but according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine, coffee energetically is cold which forces our Kidney to release the precious Qi, or life force our kidney carefully stored which can be used for prolong life. In a sense it means drinking coffee cost our life.

Humans are wonderful beings, always want to improve, learn, grow and better ourselves, and we don’t we don’t feel satisfied. If we really think about, it is us who have, do. It is the person who we are have or done certain things make us, it makes sense if we first take care who we are, or our wellbeing to do what it requires us to have what we want.

According to masters, life won’t be hard at all if we allow life force to flow happily, smoothly and freely through us. Only 2 things we really have to do: eat the right food not to block our system and align the body as it has designed to have all bodily channels open to allow energy flow in our system.

Why Candle Meditation

In Candle Meditation, we share so many tools to use for improve life without effort, you pick a tool works for you, any one of them will take you far if you use it with your heart is in it.

Candle can light our path, making darkness disappear, so is Candle Meditation will light up our human journey, help us to see light in our dark days, see hope and find a promising path to walk on and step out the place we no longer want to stay.

Candle Meditation will introduce who we are, how to live a great human life, it shows us clarity with ancient tools how exactly we can improve our health and happiness.

Life is supposed to be easy and effortless, yet human has been choosing a very complicated way of living.

Dao De Jing (Laozi)

Why Qigong

Qigong is an ancient Chinese art, it is 5,000 years old, it contains all the wisdom one would like to know, it will lead us to our highest selves and lift our spirit.

Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) is one of the ancient Chinese Qigong practices, created by grand master Chunyi Lin, and I trained with SFQ and gained a certificate for teaching and healing. If you want to know what Qigong can do, here tells us some. https://www.springforestqigong.com/qigong-testimonials-for-cancer-breast, if you want to know more.

I feel the world needs those exercises. I have been learning Qigong with a few good masters, and I have being saved by Qigong a good few times, please let me help you.

Why Tai Chi for Life

Tai Chi originally created for Kung Fu, the creator Zhang San Feng said live for 217 years. So it is not just for winning a battle it has huge health benefits.

Tai Chi requires the practitioner to use his whole body, so it is strong and powerful. Tai Chi heals people if they are sick, prevents people from becoming ill, especially it is effective against organic disorders, mental and emotional illness.

T’ai-chi-Ch’uan connects the mind to the body, the consciousness to the subconscious and the individual to his environment. it ends the battles with you, eliminating tension and anxiety.

Bob klein

Everything we can touch and see has its Yin and Yang, Tai Chi is a deep connection with life and constant adjustment of Yin and Yang. By practising Tai Chi we are not only uplift ourselves, we will uplift these around us too. People can feel our centre and feeling secure and protected beside us.

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