In 2015, Robert Waldinger from Harvard university, shared a valuable message: What makes a person truly happy and live a longer life was not money or fame or anything else but quality relationships.

What they found out was what making a person happy and live long is not rich, fame or hard work, it is quality relationships people have with their family, friends and community. Period. He said sadly at any given time, more than one in five Americans would report they are lonely. He said it is not how many relationships one has, it is about the quality of their relationships, how satisfied, how connected they are makes the difference. It could be in a crowd a person feel lonely, or in a marriage.

He said loneliness kill more people than smoking does. A person’s physical pain would increases if he feels lonely and decrease if he is in (a) warm and supported relationship (s). Loneliness also makes person’s brain decline early, and they live short lives. He said being in a securely attached relationship in your 80s to another person, is protective, when you feel you can account them when you are in need, your brain will stay in sharp longer, these relationships don’t have to be smooth, he said, as long as they feel they can trust another when the going is tough.

If we pay attention to our daily life, we will realise that we don’t connect with ourselves, we don’t connect with each other deeply, we all just live on the surface, we distract ourselves by switch on the TV, watch something funny on social media, Facebook; we don’t dig deep in our selves, maybe we think what the use, no one to share our happiness or sorrow. Even with our family and friends, we communicate very shallowly, on the surface, on small talks. When you want to be heard by your a family member you trust, yes, but he or she you know well isn’t the right person to ask for feedback, you know they have a completely different view with yourself. Or maybe they aren’t that interested and not being fully present which can annoy you quite a bit. With most friends, what we mostly talk about? Not that meaningful either, not life changing, is it?

I am providing this flatform for supporting building happy relationships within the qigong group, also providing tools to use to work at home and self. to be more connected in a meaningful way with self and each other. It is a new way, we have to willing to do some shifting work, quit quick fix, quit quick judge and quit living the old ways and close doors for love come in and go out. Open heart living more authentically. It is a new way of living, and it is awkward to be so open at the beginning, but once it gets started, our emotions will be like river or stream going out us naturally and we will feel lighter and happier inside.

Click below the link if you want to know more of it.

I feel more alive than ever because I've started my Tai Chi and Qigong exercise again. It helps me to escape to another much more peaceful and pleasant world. Love to teach and share this great feelings with people of all ages. Visit Taichiunited.wordpress.com (Daughter's Blog: Childrensbookreviews2017.wordpress.com)

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