Self-worth is the gate way for good fortune to pour.

We all want to be somewhere else, to be better at something, to have more money, beauty, health, capability and on and on, it takes us away from the precious present, this somewhere else attention cost us so much, it gets us stressed and feeling like lost and scared.

Can you see? Perhaps we ask for the best things, yet, deep down, we don’t feel we are worthy of them. It is really us who stop ourselves from stepping into the happiness we desire. This book will teach you how to earn your own trust and feel self-worth.

I have been in this position for many years, feeling unworthy without knowing I felt this way, until this brother appeared in my life. He asked to meet, and I said no a little too quickly, while feeling my heart both thrilled and frustrated, for I wasn’t good enough yet to meet such a wonderful, successful, and remarkable being I could only imagine. I didn’t know I was feeling unworthy. It was pain, it was lack, it was dissatisfaction, it was self-doubt or self-disbelief, not accepting the present moment and self fully. It was self-blame in a way, and a way of showing that I wasn’t feeling self-worthy yet.

This unworthy feeling put me in an unworthy place and made me feel I was not worth of doing anything that was worthwhile. I believe, it is a cycle: we have to feel worthwhile before we can create something worthwhile, but the feeling of self-unworthiness comes from not having achieved anything worthwhile yet, feeling is the cause moving forward of stuck in one place. You might say somewhere in the book you mentioned thinking is the cause. Yes, thinking is the first step, it is thinking causes feelings, then feelings vibrate and attract outside toward the thinker, also cause action, and aligned action creates ideal best results.

Whatever we don’t have in life is because we believe we don’t deserve it on a deep level. If we don’t feel we deserve it, we won’t take action work toward the result we desire in hearts. It is the perfect alignment: our thinking, feeling, action and result. All we can do is paying attention to our thoughts, to make sure we are truly feeling we are worthy the thing, if not, work on gratitude, or forgiveness or compassion, whatever it works for you the moment, to work your way upward until you feel you are worthy to have all great things, then drop the feelings and get along with your daily chaos, worthy things shall knock your door, if you keep working on raising your vibration to worthiness. You relax and you will feel action is effortless and all results bound to be wonderful.

What always pulled me down was this thought and I think a few of us have this similar thought:

I didn’t do anything remarkable enough or meaningful enough to show the world. I don’t know if I will ever make something worthwhile in this world, for I don’t have enough self-belief, I don’t know what is the best way, even I know it will work, but for how long, how can I make sure I will follow through this time and not give up before it reaches somewhere? If I don’t believe myself enough, naturally I know I won’t have enough self-respect or feel self-worth.

I have tried many tools at this stage in my life; this one tool will hold us high and take us wherever we want to go, and we can fall back on it without harm. It is our solid mentor, accountability partner, and best, truest friend. It will help us gain the confidence and self-belief we need to realise the concept that we are worth it. It doesn’t take long to realise this truth. We shall soon learn we are teachable. We are able to be the person we most admire.

I think the best time to engage the tool is in the morning, as it can influence our behaviours in the background of our actions. Alternatively, it can be used before going to bed to let these words sink into our subconscious mind while we sleep. Engaging at both times will certainly increase the speed at which we become the exact person we want to be. We want to merge into our best selves naturally, effortlessly, and smoothly. Otherwise, our mind might argue, “It’s too hard! I have something better to do!”

Guys, when you use this tool, you will quickly notice a small shift inside you. It will excite you to stick with it; it’s like a game, and you will feel addicted to doing the work you’ve set for yourself, with enthusiasm and passion. Let’s set the tone for our future ideal self, the one we want to slip into. It’s easy, and it’s fun. Let’s begin.

 To gain self-respect, we need to set boundaries for ourselves, allowing only things worthy of our attention, time, and energy into our lives. We should engage with the things that uplift us to become who we truly are, meet our highest self, and live there. Our energy will be good and pure; all the people we meet will reflect that, and our relationships will naturally improve.

We are all in the same boat, trying to merge ourselves into our best selves, becoming the ones we admire the most. You know, if you don’t approve of yourself, even if others say it’s OK, inside, you still find it hard to accept or forgive yourself, especially if the matter we caused was a big issue — such as causing the company to lose a million or an important contract because you were cutting corners or being careless.

Who we are in the second book, Our Eight-Sense Self, says clearly that, by nature, we have no limits. It is by choosing who we want to be. To live a fully satisfactory life on Earth, we can achieve this by choosing a few areas that would help a human soul feel fulfilled, free, loved, and appreciated. It’s about making what each individual wants to experience on Earth exactly that — no less. A few areas must be taken good care of, with clear boundaries around them, high standards, and top qualities, allowing a human soul to fully express itself in whatever way it chooses, without limits, feeling that the whole world is on my side, and everyone and everything is here to help me fulfil my dream on Earth.

To be honest, I don’t feel I have truly lived for the 45 years of my life. All I did was detach myself from the present moment, from my bodily senses, my attention focused elsewhere, where I had no grounding. All things that happen must start from the now. I have been floating through life. Looking back, nothing I did or achieved is solid enough to hold its ground—no energy, money I earned and spent, people I met and left, resources. When I get lost in life, I do a little Qigong. It pulls me back from the sky to the ground.

I am doing a BA DUAN JIN, tears running from my eyes, my body releasing sadness. It felt sad because I haven’t returned to it in so long. I have known this for a long time: if I don’t hold my ground in life, I am not living. There is no love but living in the illusion of the past and future in the head. Both love and life are linked together. To love is to live life deeply. Without it, we can’t feel deeply. We are closer to our feelings than anything else. The best way is to live the present moment deeply. It leads us to the mission that pleases our hearts the most. This is the reason we came to Earth. Without living in this mission, we feel disconnected. It is an effortless way. We let go of any desire, lose our mental grasping, and let life lead the way. Michael Singer does this, and what he has achieved no logical mind can explain—beautiful, magical. Yes, he has also been led to become a billionaire. So, both ways are satisfying—physical and mental/spiritual.

Knowing why the ‘self’ deserves our ‘respect’ is important, or why we deserve ‘self-respect’; otherwise, we won’t bother to practise it at all. Many of us don’t feel we deserve it. We love to recall the mistakes we made that could have been avoided if we had really tried, things we said we regret that we should not have said, things we did or didn’t do, things we said or didn’t say—these are just hard to accept or forgive, not to mention self-love or self-respect. Yes, I hear you, and I hear you clearly. It pains me to hear it from you, too. I did this to myself for years and years.

I am not going to lecture you or teach you anything different, or try to change you. I only want to state a little about why we have these concepts about ourselves and how we can relax a little to feel a little better, to make some room inside ourselves to hear our own heartbeat, and to hear what else might want to speak—it will call our attention from within. I hope this book can lead us to true self-love and self-respect. We do it ever so sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts, without any force, unwillingness, or the need for willpower.

You know we have to be honest to make anything truly work. We can’t really cheat. We can only cheat ourselves, at the end of the day, not someone else. Many of us will realise this fact sooner or later. Let’s begin to get to know ourselves a bit and understand why we deserve our intense love and respect.

If you want to gain a deeper understanding of how worthy you are, read the book: one step to Kingdom of Heaven (When it’s published in April 2025)

I feel more alive than ever because I've started my Tai Chi and Qigong exercise again. It helps me to escape to another much more peaceful and pleasant world. Love to teach and share this great feelings with people of all ages. Visit (Daughter's Blog:

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