
Grammar- Four Conditionals

I am going to share these four grammar rules with you: four conditions, for many Chinese speakers are confused, so you can start to work on something. Here we are introduce to you four conditionals, it might help you in someway.

In Chinese, we say time to make the difference time wise:




我们用一样的动词:‘逛街’去昨天,即将发生的事和将来要发生的事。英语就完全不同了, 他们是用过去式, 现在式 和将来式的动词形式来表示的。我们就介绍几个常常会用的到的三种假设句式,因为好多中国朋友觉得有难度。

假如,如果我是你我会去伦敦/If I were you, I’d go to London.

英语是用换动词的方式告诉我们时间的不同,或者是完全的想象。Let us look into a few fun and helpful conditional examples in the following sessions, as it has more options in there than in here.

Zero Conditional

We use it to talk about the norm, the truth, the fact, the rules, and habits, the majority people agreed reality, the real conditional. If this happens then that will follow or happen.

we are using: if/when + present simple, + present simple.


If you leave she alone, she can look after herself.

If we believe, we can.

If you feel cold, do turn on the heating.

If you feel hot, we can go to swim.

If you are hungry, we can eat.

If you stay, he can play.

First Conditional

It is talking about high likely going to happen if something happens, though there is a chance it may not happen.

We use this: if/when+present simple, will +infinitive

How it is used:

use it to talk about predictions, plans, promises offers, warnings or suggestions, and instructions, it is result of if something else happen first.


If I don’t go, I will regret.

If you don’t listen, you will regret.

If you don’t leave now, you will be late.

Or you can swop them around only without the comma.

I will be lost if you don’t help me.

I will be scared if you don’t stay.

I will be ok if you do leave.

Second Conditional

We use second conditional to talk about things that in the future unlikely to happen or impossible in the present.

We use if/when +past simple, would+infinitive

How it is used:

We use it imagine life is different; ask hypothetical questions; to give advices; to give reasons.


If I won the lottery, I’d buy you a house.

If I were you, I would move to London by now.

If I were, I would ask him to leave.

If it was true, he would call.

If I left earlier, I would be home by now.

If you won the lottery, what would you do?

If you were me, what would you do?

If I were in your shoe, I’d move out from here.

What would you do about it if you were her?

What would you do if you had the day off?

If you found £100 would you give it back?

Third Conditional

Talk about an unreal past.

It uses: If + past perfect, +perfect conditional

how it is used:

We use to talk about a different reality an imagined one,

give it an imagined result.

It can express regret.

To scold someone for what they did in the past.


If it had not happened, he wouldn’t have gone so soon.

If I had done what you told me, I would have made something out of me.

If I hadn’t listened to you, I would not have been in this position today.

If it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t have done such a thing.