or Paths or Channels in the Body
We have 12 main meridians in the body, like rivers. They run smoothly along our bodies, providing us with nutrients and removing waste we no longer need. In addition, we have 8 extraordinary meridians. These run across our bodies like streams, except for two, which run up and down along our front and back. The front meridian is called the conception vessel, and the one at the back is called the governor vessel. These are important in Qigong practice. By touching the tip of our tongue to the roof of our mouth, we create a connection between them. This is because the front channel starts from the centre of our lower lip and runs down to the perineum, while the back channel begins there and stops just below the nose. Without this connection, they remain disconnected.
The 8 extraordinary meridians take excess qi from the 12 main ones, storing it in their containers and sending it back to the main meridians when needed. They work in harmony. There are 365 meridians in the body, and with fine equipment, I believe more could be identified. By the way, if our 8 extraordinary meridians are not needed by the 12 main meridians—because we are caring for our bodies well—these extraordinary meridians can support us in incredible ways. They can connect to higher energies, helping to make our lives as effortless as possible. This is why it is important to care for our bodies. Otherwise, the body becomes preoccupied with survival and cannot provide us with the marvellous wonders our higher selves can access. Achieving peace of mind allows us to connect directly with our higher power.
I believe these meridians connect our bodies to information from the past, the future, and even distant parts of the world. However, for most people, several meridians are stagnant—some partially blocked, others sadly completely blocked. When people feel trapped in life, it is often a sign of blocked meridians. As we open more and more meridians, we gain a clearer perspective of the world around us and feel increasingly lighter.
Only when we are tuning ourselves back to who we really are we truly living, and true satisfaction can be born. Always remember, before any self-connection practice, we must first connect to our core. The mind is nothing compared to our true nature—the knowingness. Find your core at the lower dantian (LD), and from there, connect to the whole body. Take three deep breaths and let them go.
Our hands have six meridian starting points and end points; so do our feet and ears. Especially since our ears aren’t that big, they are easy to cover. Try to massage them every day because they are the edges of our body, reaching all parts. If we just take care of these three parts, we are actually looking after our whole body. By deeply relaxing, guided breathing, meditation to go higher and lower to nourish and heal ourselves in our creator’s power, and gentle Qigong movements such as tapping, clapping, and stamping, we can have all our meridians running smoothly and freely.
You can clap your hands together over your head; it works for the whole body. It helps the nose and the entire upper body as it stimulates the triple warmer and all the organs. Stepping with your feet or standing on your tiptoes and dropping them hard on the floor can help your body release hundreds of diseases. These are easy methods, aren’t they? But the effects are profound.
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