
Everything exists in this world has its nature, rules or principles to follow. For instant, if we want success and we will learn that success’ number one principle is self-confidence, a sense that I can do it! Think about it, if we don’t feel we can do it, we don’t bother to try, do we? Now the question is how can we have the confidence we need in order to be successful? We can solve it with the Three Golden Maps in this chapter to help us to do exactly that: step into our success with full confidence.

Do you know that if we are truly confidence in ourselves, the whole universe will be shifting with us. Magic will begin!

I love to first let you know the good news, to have everything we want in life, is no harder than we are now. What we are going to learn is taking a different path, a much more satisfying path, it is designed for success and happiness and growth, it is designed according human nature.

Many of us have lost our way on human path, life is not meant to be surfer or hardship, we are just on the wrong path. The right path by the way is exciting, a lot of laughter, celebrations, gratification and congratulations…Let this course to help us to gain some realisation so we can slowly but surely correct ourselves start to do what is right, and merge ourselves into the best lives we desire for ourselves and those we love.

Golden Map One

In this section, you are going to learn who you are and how to apply your human power, how to have all the confidence and courage you need, in order to do exactly what you would like to do, without second your ability that you might not be able to do it.

You will be give a self-confidence formula for you to use to train your mind to start thinking helpful thoughts, you will learn everything starts from right thinking. Our thinking shape our feeling, our feeling effects our action, and our action makes who we are. I heard someone said it but I experienced endless times myself.

You will learn it works wonders if you do it as it suggests as million people have done already, it will give you a back story to encourage you to do exactly what the formula suggests.

Golden Map Two

In this section, you are introduced the best map that has helped more people to become who they want to be, more than any other methods, strategies in human history. I learned this from the late Bob Proctor.

Once you are convinced that you have the power to achieve any result you want in life. Now in this section, you will be given a map, six-step map directly from Andrew Carnegie and promoted by Thomas A. Edison, do it as it suggests, you will not only rich but it will get you anything or reach any ridiculous goal you may want to set for yourself.

Again, it tells you why you must do as it suggests, it is the exact steps helped over a million people become millionaires, if your goal is becoming a millionaire, here you have it.

It teaches you how a sells man would use it, so you can alter it to fit your own need.

Golden Map Three

Now, it is the time gather everything you got, step into a new chapter in your life, using this method to help you, if you feel some kind stuck in life, as many do; if you are still feeling don’t know which direction is best, this method might just help you move out the pit, well it did for me, and still it does its work for me as long as I need a guide or push (past and current) or pulling (two steps ahead and legend vision).

On the path how to have all, what life is all about, made me learning from all sorts masters, I know I am lucky able to do this, but I am sharing the best ones with you from my mountain knowledge. One of those is called Seven-step to move forward, until you have reached your legend.

I have heard we all carry an unique gift inside us, if we don’t learn to discover it and allow it to share, it will make us suffer. Because this gift is too bright, it desperately want to shine, want our help to get out into the physical to full fill its mission, all we do is whenever it wants to pop its head we push it back right away, we are suffer with our gift, because we also feel the gift’s pain.

In this section, I am going to teach you to use a seven-step system where I learned from Chris Duncan, he learned from another millionaire, yes, they are all very successful in life. Chris said, no matter where we are in life, we need this system, it has such a pulling energy, without it, our might feel stuck in one place whole life, the system will teach us to use all our past learned lessons as stepping stones, nothing is wasted, it help us see clearly two step ahead, then from there desire our legend. We will see life has has no limitation, we will see great hope.

All the best truth seekers.

With great love and gratitude!
