Spring Forest Qigong

I am a certified Spring Forest Qigong Practice Group Leader, and a healer.

I can guide you a practice or a series practices depends what you want, if you want to learn to heal yourself, I can show you how, if you want to proactive, preventing diseases, we can practise together, or you can learn from the sessions I have already recorded.

If you want a healing session or several healing sessions I can do that too. I also have includes a recorded session for you to do it on your own.

If you want to do it with a group, on your own, the price is higher, if you want to join with your family or friends it will be cheaper and you will gain the confidence to help yourself get better.

If you want to know how amazing these practices are, you can find out here.

To show you that I am telling the truth that I did take the trouble to earn some certificates:

I earned two one is Active the Qi

One is Group Coach

Spring Forest Qigong

Here some information about Spring Forest Qigong if you are interested.

Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) is a form of Qigong that focused on activating our body’s natural healing ability and awakening our deepest connection to oneself. Developed by Qigong Master Chunyi Lin, Spring Forest Qigong is a revolutionary approach to the ancient Chinese teachings, revised and enhanced for the 21st century.

What you can learn from SFQ? By understanding how our Qi works we can activate it, we can connect our Qi to our master’s energy, Jesus, universe, God, whatever or whoever that you have the most respect to will have the most effect for you, because your appreciation can activate their love for you to use. In the sessions, we learn to feel our Qi and guide it to heal ourselves, family, friends, communities. It is an easy process but very effective and powerful even some medical professionals approve it.

It uses ancient techniques for healing, focusing on physical, emotional and spiritual response and healing through four elements:

  • Movement to awaken vitality in the body
  • breathing to transform energy and access the body’s internal and natural healing,
  • meditation / visualisation to train your mind for directing Qi energy.
  • sound to raise and sync internal energy