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According to Dao De Jing by Laozi, “Life is supposed to be smooth and effortless”.

The group classes are designed to help practitioners regain their physical health and find moments of peace through mindful flow movements specifically tailored to how the body functions. By combining these movements with breathing exercises, the body can reset itself back to a natural, healthy state. These simple exercises not only alleviate discomfort but also help prevent diseases while promoting mobility, balance, and strength. By enhancing physical health, we can also uplift our mood. According to ancient Chinese wisdom, there is a close connection between physical and emotional pain; for instance, persistent sadness may indicate weakened lungs, frequent fear could signal issues with the kidneys, and easily triggered anger might suggest that the liver is not functioning optimally…

In the private sessions, in addition to improving your physical health, you can connect with and live in alignment with your highest purpose, which can provide you with the deepest satisfaction in life. You will receive guidance to understand your unique personal profile based on your birth date and location, closely aligning with your highest purpose on earth, should you choose to pursue it. These sessions will assist you in evolving into your best self while unlocking the gifts embedded in your birth code, hardwired in your DNA. Furthermore, they will cultivate a peaceful mind and foster feelings of gratitude, love, and respect, regardless of the circumstances.

I feel more alive than ever because I've started my Tai Chi and Qigong exercise again. It helps me to escape to another much more peaceful and pleasant world. Love to teach and share this great feelings with people of all ages. Visit (Daughter's Blog:

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