Ideal Life

An ideal Life is a balanced life, not rich in material but lack love, or running a successful business but in poor health….you know there are many millionaires live in a miserable life, many of them have plenty money by feeling poor inside, such as they have no one to talk to or to trust, no one to laugh with, they live a constant fear, they fear to lose all…

Living an integrity life is much easier and smoother than living a partial life. We are going to using a billionaire couple’s teaching and experience to do it, they shared in their course I took how they exactly achieved the life we all admire in detail, now I like to share it with you. You will be able to see the path clearly how to get there with full confidence and ease, just do it.

According to the billionaire couple: Jon and Missy Butcher. For five years, we will have an extraordinary life on earth if we just do what they have done. The system they shared with us is called Life Book, which includes 11 areas, you may hear 12 areas, but truth is 11, the last one is a series questions to help you to design your own ideal life, in this section, I will lay out the questions and my own answers, you can use mine or design your own.

What we did in the course was for 12-weeks we dived deep in each area, deep and left no stone unturned in all 11 areas,

which we put them into 3 sections and they are:

My Integrity Life:

Health & Fitness

My Spiritual Life

My Emotional Life

My Intellect Life

My Personal life:

My Ideal Character

My Love Life

My Parenting Life

My Social Life

Ideal Professional Life

My Career Life

My Finance Life

My Perfect Lifestyle

Design Your Own Ideal Life

We will go through an exciting journey to desire exactly what you want with a some powerful premises, a clear vision, strong purpose, and some practical strategies or action plans to help you making these important areas in life to happen exactly as you want.

Let us look at their heaven on earth life for a bit:

Jon Butcher

He was once so depressed, couldn’t go out, he used the book life he created himself, not only he became healthier but also happier and richer in all areas of his life, 5 years later, the home they own is like a retreat centre:

The first when I heard him saying “We catch up in the evening by walking around in our garden.” I thought what ‘small talk’ that would be, a garden space, until I saw what their garden was like, wasn’t small at all, more like a fairy land.

They live in a fairy tale for real, they half year on holiday, learning from real place, people. Every area in 12 areas contains quality and beauty.

In the life book programme I joined, he taught us how to create a life just like that in just five short years. In our courses, I shared what we learned in the 12 weeks course, so you can do the same, it has a strange power, pulling us upward and forward, also I will share a system to track your process which will support you even more, helping you less falling or slip out the system.

Let me share a few things Jon and Missy said in the course:

  1. One day, Missy felt so wrong, she didn’t understand, husband loves her, house like palace, children loving and smart, wonderful health, friends…then she remembered, she forgot to do her GRATITUDE JOURNAL. She said Gratitude makes us happy, it it not things we possess like everybody would like to think so.
  2. Jon kept trying to perfect his work before going out to meet the world, taking that long and he felt still not good enough, but he let go trying anymore and put it out and the response he got was shocking, wonderful feedbacks from all over the place, he said don’t perfect your work, just finish it off and send it out see what the world has to say.
  3. Missy said they wanted to move to Hawaii, they talked about, for ages, but it was just not happening, she made a date then things started to roll, she said, put a deadline on the things you would like to happen in real life, otherwise, it will never happen/finish.
  4. Jon said tried everything you can, then let it go. He said the full moon has a strong, strange and magic power, let it go when it is full moon, whatever you are working on, it would gather its magic, like cherry on the cake, finish for you like a magic touch.
  5. He did three months a product, first 2 hours in the morning, the result was amazing, do things he said matter in the morning before the day starts. Finish one product then another, do it with your whole heart and soul, the world will love your product.
  6. Jon loves history, he said it was the best time in all history, it made him feeling grateful and hopeful for people and himself.
  7. They love travel, it teaches them real knowledge from real people, teach their children to be flexible, compassion, practical…

See you in the course if you choose to take on the journey with me.