Tai Chi for Life

Tai Chi For Flow

In our body we have 12 main meridians and 8 extraordinary meridians.

Our 12 main meridians’ job is sending the nutrition of the blood to all over the body; our 8 extraordinary meridians job is if there is too much nutrition in the body, they will store the nutrition, and when the body lack nutrition the nutrition in the 8 extraordinary meridians will be send out to the body to keep the body function as best as it can.

The main meridians are like river and the extraordinary meridians are like branches of the river. They all connected. Keep these meridian flow is very beneficial, not only for physical but also for mental and emotional.

Tai Chi helps us to constantly adjust our Yin and Yang, meaning we align our body with heaven and earth, allowing the body meridians help each other to be balanced, don’t use unhealthy posture to block the energy/Qi flow smoothly and freely.

Why Do We Want Our Body Flow?

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These meridians in our body are not only connected with each other but also with the whole energetic world, we know dogs can see better at dark than us, and they can hear and smell better than us, we can’t see, hear or smell something not meaning it is not there. We are designed to know all these around us, inside and out.

Once we have all these meridians flow freely we will be able to hear smell and see more than majority people, for majority people aren’t putting themselves in the flow mode, there are blockages in their meridians, we can also call these meridians as our body channels, like blood vessels, our Qi run through these meridian channels like blood run in blood vessels. Qi is life force, without Qi run through a part of the body, that part of the body won’t feel alive, meaning part of us are blocked, not in the position to help us to be whole, to be who we fully are.

Most of us live in our head most of the time, meaning our body has to keep giving us energy to keep the mind going, we don’t give back, so our body has not got much chance to recover itself from giving all the time, doubtlessly we don’t have plenty Qi to go around, we are giving certain amount Qi when we were born, like candle’s wax; if we don’t generate more Qi and save the original Qi, we will use our Qi up quickly and won’t be able to having a lot of life in us and we won’t live as long, and we won’t be smart, for we don’t have plenty Qi to go around, but barely keeps us alive.

If we can have the body flow freely, our body will let us know everything we need to know. Our body is an intelligent machine and connected to our past and future and now, these things not many people can experience because of our busy mind.

Tai Chi for Fighting

Tai Chi Quan created by the leader of Wu-Dang Clan, Zhang Sanfeng in 1314, Chinese historical books tell us Zhang Sanfeng lived for 217 years. Tai Chi Quan became Wu-Dang Clan’s treasure, Zhang Sanfeng used it so well, Chinese words described as: ‘出神入化, 如火纯青’ and in English ‘Superb, as pure as fire!’ It was said Zhang Sanfeng’s fighting skill no one at the time could beat him, he became the leader of the kung fu world.

Today we don’t have to learn Tai Chi Quan for fighting, but you can use it to have a long and quality life instead, yes it will be handy if we do meet someone who want a fight, for we aren’t going to change Tai Chi’s spirit, for it was made for winning a battle if people ask for one, and we are going to learn it that way. While we are using it for winning a battle mainly for self defence, We are using it to prevent disease and promoting great health.

Yes, Tai Chi will nourish your whole being. you will have boundless energy and vitality, your body will be strengthened, your mind will be calmer, your emotion will be steadier and your spirit will be brighter. You will be pleasant to be around. People will love your present, for they can feel secure, safe and centred around you. More people would like to get to know you; Jim Rohn said ‘when you change… everything will change for you’, like Tai Chi has suddenly successfully placed us in the centre of wonderful things.

Why Tai Chi Can Heal Us

Deep meditators tell us, anything exist has its opposite, Yin and Yang. There is nothing we can see has no Tai Chi, no Yin and Yang. Tai Chi’s job is leading us back to our core, by balancing our inner Yan and Yang. And Tai Chi helps us to put everything together by first put ourselves together.

Qigong masters tell us the whole universe is like a big spider web, everything is connected to everything else. Tai Chi can help us to feel the connection with ourselves and those around us, by first we get to know our body inside out through practising Tai Chi. For Tai Chi guides us to look within more than we seek form and structure. From within we start to put ourselves together, let the outside world takes care itself, you will learn how and why in the classes.

How Will We Learn Tai Chi

There are many different forms or styles of TaiChi. 108 forms, 42 forms, 24 forms and 8 forms so on, there are Chen style… Our purpose here is learning the core, the essence of Tai Chi, there are 13 forms only, 18 sentences, it would be wise we just get to know 8 key words, how they are used, the combination of these 8 forms are endless. You will learn them in the 8 Methods session, which is a dense session, no not learn all them, learn one by one, using heart to get to know them, give them life when you using them.

The key message of Tai Chi is Tai Chi’s circular rotation, which is never-ending and uses intention rather than force. We will learn how Tai Chi is a whole body’s work, and how to use our waist leads the way, not like most other sports, using only partial of the body. It is the main reason why Tai Chi always wins the fights, for the waist is stronger and thicker than arms or legs, it makes us seems more solid like a mountain.

We are going to learn why and how to use ‘jin/劲’ rather than strength which makes us our fight effortless and graceful, giving us the great advantages to win.

Best Wishes

The earth will be on our side. We are going to use Tai Chi to adjust our body as it has designed: centred and align with heaven and earth’s Qi, feeling supported, provided, safe, loved and peaceful.

Be peace with you.