Tai Chi’s 8 Core Methods

I introduce you these rules and methods because I want you to know where to pay attention to from the start so we don’t waste our time doing not very useful things. After understand where Tai Chi aims at then we can learn bit by bit in the right way.

It doesn’t matter how complicated Tai Chi seems, or which style it is, its core remains the same. Today we are going to get introduce the 8 Tai Chi’s methods, so we can start to apply them, not for fighting but to know how to practise Tai Chi right.

108 movements in the oldest form, but it has simplified into 24 from

If we can learn and practise the 24 form, hundreds time, with feeling, we can beat anyone, they will be awake inside us. The 24 moves are the core practices of 108, so don’t worry, we don’t miss anything important in Tai Chi.

There are so much about Tai Chi, we can’t learn everything in one go, we are going to learn the first 8 principles, they are the core, if we can apply them effectively, we will be easily wining any fight, we will find ourselves centred and collected and flexible. Let’s begin.

 1.掤在两臂/Squeeze in both arms

   “掤”字的含义即是掤架、挡阻、防御对方的进攻。它的劲点,在手腕到肘之间,在特殊情况下也可延至手指到上臂,就是整个手臂,因此说“掤在两臂”。主要拳式如起势、左右掤等。/The meaning of the word “peng” is to scaffold, block, and defend against the opponent’s attack. Its strength point is between the wrist and the elbow, and in special cases it can also extend to the finger to the upper arm, that is, the whole arm, so it is said to be “wrenched in the two arms”. The main punches are such as rising, left and right, etc.


The strength method of “smashing” is characterized by “round brace”, that is, it is not enough to “brace”, but also “round brace”. The circular shape has a large force and strong compression resistance, so that it can be “strong”. Therefore, there is a saying: “The hands and arms should be rounded, and the movement and stillness should be attacked at will.


  "Round brace" is mainly reflected in the wrist to be round, the elbow to be round, the shoulder to be round, and so on, the whole body to be round. When squeezing, the elbow and shoulder joints should be stretched, and the wrist and metacarpal joints should also be stretched.


      "掤" is the first method of strength among all the methods, and it is implicit in all the methods of strength, and it is everywhere.

2. 捋在掌中


“捋”/xu/stroking, is to move along with the incoming force, and the movements are mainly from front to back.


As for the strength point, the front hand is under the ulna and near the palm of the hand, and the back hand is in the palm or back of the palm. Under special circumstances, the point of strength of the front hand can also be between the wrist and elbow, that is, you can use both hands to stick to the opponent’s hand and elbow, or you can use the forearm of the front hand to hold the opponent’s elbow, and at the same time seal the opponent’s other hand with the wrist of the front hand.

  捋的劲法特点是“轻随”,即“捋要轻随”。“随”是顺的意思,“轻”是黏活、不用大力、拙力的意思,“轻随”就是顺着对方来势向后回引,因势利导,使对方的力得不到实点而落空。/The characteristic of the force method of stroking is “lightly following”. “light” means to stick to it without using strong force. “Sui” means to follow the opponent’s incoming force and lead back, making the best use of the situation, so that the opponent’s power cannot be realised and will fail.

  捋的劲法还要求做到“动短意长”。这就是说,回捋动作不要大、长,而要小、短,但心意要长。这是因为,你捋住对方时,对方很有可能回撤,你这时就要“捋中寓挤,随捋即挤”。挤的方向与捋相反,所以捋要“动短”。拳诀有云:“捋挤二法趁机使”,“搭手捋开挤掌使”,说的就是这个意思。至于“意长”,是指当自己得势、对方未能挤靠到自己时,就可放长捋势将对方捋倒。因此,在练习拳架中“捋”的动作时,既要有放长的动意,又要有迅速回挤的机势。不温不火、得机得势、严谨自然,方为捋势。/The force method of stroking also requires “short movement and long meaning”. This means that the return movement should not be large or long, but should be small and short, but the intention should be long. This is because when you hold the opponent, the opponent is likely to retreat, you have to hold & squeeze. The direction of squeezing is opposite to that of stroking. As for “long intention”, it means that when you gain the upper hand and the opponent fails to squeeze you, you can use your long strokes to knock the opponent down, so being rigorous and natural can you master the situation.

3. 挤在手背




The word “squeeze” means to push, and move forward together. The point of strength is on the outside of the forearm, and the method of strength should be horizontal, that is, “squeeze should be sealed horizontally.”

The meaning of these sentences is: when I push the opponent and the opponent retreats with force, my right arm is externally rotated slightly horizontally, and the point of force is forward between the right elbow and wrist. My left hand is attached to assist, with the intention of pushing the opponent forward with combined force; when I touch the opponent and the opponent leans on the elbow, I quickly open my right elbow to the back of the palm, and first use horizontal force to open the opponent’s leaning position, with the intention of pushing him away. If the momentum fails, it will be squeezed forward immediately.

The arms for the “squeezing” action should be slightly slanted, while the arms for the “pushing” action should be flat. When boxing, do not make these two movements the same.




  以揽雀尾动作为例:由挤式接按式先后坐,在后坐的时候就要收尾闾,命门向后拱顶,两掌采住对方的手臂下按,形成一个“自我上下”的合劲使对方来力下栽,这时就形成了一个“腰攻”的动作;随按即推,此时身形展开,腰要顶撑开,腰顶肘、肘顶手; 以腰为支撑点向前顶撑开。/

The meaning of the word “press” is to knock down and intercept the opponent’s force, and then push it forward. Strictly speaking, “push” is the continuation of “press” so “press and push are connected”.

The characteristic of the “pressing” method is “waist attack”, which means that when pressing and pushing, don’t just use your palm force to push, but use the whole body movements. It must be completed by simultaneously contracting and releasing waist strength, elbow strength, and palm strength.

Take the movement of holding the sparrow’s tail as an example: sit one after another in the squeezing and pressing posture. When sitting back, hold the other person’s arms with two palms and press down, forming a “self-up-and-down” posture. The combined strength makes the opponent fall down, which forms a “waist attack” action; then press and push.


   “采”字的含义是摘,有摘取的意思。动作有些象摘柳枝花茎,手指要掐实后猛一折,枝茎就断了。掐不实、动作慢就不易折断。因此,“采”的劲法特点是“实”,即“采要实”,主“短”、“实”劲,速度要快、劲点要实。/The meaning of the word “cai” is to pick. The movement is a bit like picking willow branches and flower stems. You have to pinch them tightly with your fingers and then snap them off fast, and only then the stems will break. If you pinch it incorrectly or move slowly, it might not easy break. Therefore, the characteristic of the energy method of “cai” is “short” and ‘solid’, the strength, the speed must be fast, and the strength point must be real.

   “采在十指”强调:如我双手采住对方手臂时,十个手指都要起作用,它的动作像抓,十个手指头肚儿要里扣,手心要空,力要入肉;主要用手指、手腕与肘联动的动作来完成。/”Pick with ten fingers” emphasizes: For example, when I grab the opponent’s arm with both hands, all ten fingers must work. Its action is like grabbing. The belly of the ten fingers must be pressed in, the palm of the hand must be empty, and the force must penetrate into the flesh; the main point is Use your fingers, wrists and elbows to move together.


For example, when doing “Turn around and kick your feet left” followed by “Left hugging your knees and taking a step”. The right hand is raised behind the side of the body. First, the five fingers should be lowered, and then the elbow should be bent and pushed forward. The way of lowering the five fingers is to point the little finger of the right hand toward the ulna and wrist. The hands are closed, and the right elbow and arm sink. This hand is also called “picking”, but this action and practice are often easily ignored by people.


   “挒”字, 根据太极拳的技术含义和劲法,“挒”字的含义应当指挒开、撕开、分开,劲力方向是斜方向。“肱”是指胳膊从肩到肘的部分,也泛指手臂,“两肱”就是自己的两条胳膊要同时起作用向对方攻击。“挒”的劲法特点是“惊”,即“挒要惊”,就是要快、要脆、要突然,要震惊对方。/The word “挒”, according to the technical meaning and force method of Tai Chi, “撒” should mean to open, tear apart, and separate, and the direction of force is oblique. “Both arms” must work at the same time to attack the opponent. The characteristic of the “挒” technique is “jing”, must startle”, which means it must be fast, crisp, and sudden, and it must shock the opponent.

  挒劲有正挒(顺挒)、反挒、圆转挒等。比如,“右野马分鬃”,右手向前向外向右为正挒,那么右手由前向里向左为反挒;第一、三个“玉女穿梭”中就有反挒;“退步跨虎”就是双手圆转挒;“抱虎归山”动作由“十字手”左肘臂向外开也为挒,掤劲的延伸也为挒。/Lie Jin includes positive Lie, reverse Lie, circular Lie, etc. For example, in “The Right Wild Horse Splits its Mane”, the right hand moves forward, outward and to the right, which is the positive thrust, then the right hand moves from front to inside to the left, which is the reverse thrust; “step back and cross the tiger” the hands are rotated in a circular motion which is a circular Lie.



“Bending the elbow” means that when using the elbow method, the arm should be bent to use the tip of the elbow; “leaning on the shoulder and chest” means using one’s own shoulder and chest to impact the opponent. The elbow method highlights the word “chong”, which is “elbow key point”; the leaning method highlights the word “beng”, which is called “depending on the point of collapse”. Both types of force have the characteristics of sudden, short, and violent.


“Elbow” and “lean” are both Tai Chi methods used when dealing with enemies at close range. “the elbow should be close to the body to show off the power, and the shoulders, hips and knees should be struck first”, etc. For example, if the opponent strokes me, my progress depends on it; another example is the second position of the hand-carrying pose, the centre of gravity is on the left leg, the body turns left, and the right hand then falls under the left hand. At this time, the right arm is the lead, making the opponent jump forward. At this time, I stretched my right leg across my crotch, leaning my hips first and then my shoulders, and then thrust my right elbow outward to hit the opponent’s weak ribs. It should be noted that you should use “lean” when the other person is close to you, and do not chase others with your shoulders to lean on you. In this way, not only will you not be able to rely on others, but you will lose your own roots.​

The End


The above eight methods of “pushing, stroking, squeezing, pressing, picking, stroking, elbowing, and leaning” are called “Eight Methods” and are the main techniques of the “Thirteen Postures” of Tai Chi, among which “pushing, stroking, squeezing, pressing, ” are the core. These “eight methods” are intertwined, interoperable, inter-transformed, and interoperable, forming the basic technical content of Tai Chi.

Therefore, they are the most important and the most difficult to practice and perfect. Wang Zongyue advices Tai Chi practitioners: “Press and squeeze carefully, and follow each other up and down to make it difficult for others to enter…”

Thank you for being here. Let us learn something practical in our future lessons, not so concentrated and scary amount.

Good Luck!

Love from me to you.