
John Hawne’s feedback about practising Qigong

is my first client. First met him in town in an antic shop, he asked me if I got any antic wanted to be valued, I was interested, we talked and we took a small walk together, I noticed he was in a rush with all his actions, puffing with every step he was taking. I told him Qigong, how to breathe and walk better so he could help himself to get better. He was keen and took action. A few weeks later I asked him if Qigong had helped him and I recorded this.

Qigong has helped me more in tune with myself, I am more productive, positive with my actions, I am breathing slower and move slower. I must say that he can walk a longer distance without puffing also 🙂

Quality Relationships

Among a lot of practitioners the most I heard is they feeling more and more at ease with themselves, people around them and their relationship quality improved so much, their life quality in general is going up, they feel appreciation about the wisdom I learned from many masters and self experienced. I teach people why and how there are so much we can be grateful, one is we are here to experience a human life, no separation, I take people there in meditation…

My Taiji Teacher Chris Lewis’ wisdom for healing

Now, let me tell you a little thing about Chris, he is 84 years old, hardly ever see a doctor, I must say the Covid injection knocked him a bit, he was trying to be kind to the environment he told me. He said he didn’t listen to his instinct not to taking it. But anyway, nothing could knock him down completely, he would get up sooner or later. Here is the record I did (I didn’t tell him I was recording) last time with him, of course I told him afterward, he laughed, and I asked him if it was ok to put it on my website. He said welcome, if it can help someone. Listen carefully, he said that happiness takes care of everything

Wish I had spoke less, well it’s my practice now, listen more and speak less, but in between my talk, you will hear the wisdom from my Taiji teacher, well I cut the end, it was I told a sad story about a greedy man took to jail who owned 100 car packs, 100 mansions robbed from hard work poor people.