The Most Embarrassing Thing that Brought Me Tremendous Joy and Tremendous Pain

What is the most embarrassing thing for you? What emotion has stirred in you? For me, it stirred tremendous joy and tremendous pain. Allow me to share with you.

One day, I got a polite message, asking me if I was his client, I said no. He apologised for disturbing me saying his secretary got the number wrong. Then he says it is fate for us able to connect, quickly he optimistically shares some fun things he often does and he talks how the world could be helped and the charity works he involved. I thought he had a nice soul, didn’t block him. We started chatting like friends, sharing a bit what we do.

Here and there he talked excitedly about his investment in Gold, Cryptocurrency. I thought nothing about it and smiled thinking he is an exciting person who loves his life. He talked about an employee’s mum got cancer and he helped, sharing how sad when saw loved ones got ill and no money to take care of them. one day he asked me if I would like to get involved to invest with him. I thought sounds all so exciting, though I didn’t know anything about it, I would like to see how to do it. He helped me to set account, with such patience and caring attitude, I thought his attitude was amazing, I admired his character, gentle, caring, warmth. Feeling thankful that he had quietly walked into my life.

You’re probably wondering how much I invest, did I lose? I will let you know later.

He helped me to realise how good it feels when get helped from a person you admire, you respect, a deep human connection forms inside me, such a wonderful feeling. I was so joyful he walked into my life, feeling the world has open up for me, great opportunities can pour into my life, top lifestyle. I started wanting to improve myself, like learning to make up, learning to cook better, learning to behave better, learning to communicate better for I found myself sometimes repeating myself and sometimes what I say was trivial and sometimes I gave advices before I understood the whole situation and I know everybody knows better about themselves than I do they know what to do best with a little guided questioning, wanting to take care my personality to be more gentle and patience, and improve my vitality, appearance…

I Was Hurt

Then he constantly encouraged me to invest more with him. I stepped back from the whole thing and read thoroughly the whole conversation we did since we got met. I saw a pattern he was the whole time tried to buy me into investing with him. I knew then he was not sincere. I felt a lot pain inside me.

Yes I did lose a few thousands, in case you do wonder. The strange thing you would not believe, I asked God to rain when I was out walking, to give me a sign that he is not genuine, it rained quickly. I couldn’t believe sky responded me that made me cry not for touched by sky but for the feeling I thought my brother toward me was real. I asked for another sign. A bird soon appeared above my head, wasn’t a big bird but had a loud chirping sound. I asked the bird to let me know if I invest with him further what would happen, would he took the money and disappear.

The bird flew straight line skyward. I was lucky no one was nearby, I was walking in a quiet road. Because I cried so much! It was embarrassing! ‘He is playing with my feelings’ I spoke my thought out with tremendous grief in my chest bubbling widely.

But I Could Not Hurt Him

I asked him to show me how to retrieve the money back, I told him I wanted to take out £300 just to learn how to do it, he showed me step by step with beautiful patience and loving attention. Again, he moved me with his charming. I hesitated should I put the few thousands there to take out or just 300? I could have earned a thousand combine with my own, but I didn’t do it, until this day I don’t know why I didn’t do it, didn’t want to hurt him? If I did do it maybe put him off to do more things like this, so I was not doing the right thing. I guess I didn’t have the heart to hurt him, how strange?!

I Lost the Money and I Lost Him

Once I didn’t agree with him to put more money to invest, he stopped talking to me as sweetly, I tried to take out the money as I felt he has completely changed, I had no longer wish him in my life. But what I had found actually I did half hearted believe he would do this, which he had blocked me to do so, on the half way when I was transfer money from Cryptonex market to, the money didn’t go there I assume he smoothed the way to his bank or for he had helped me the whole thing. So please dear readers, invest only what you know completely how to use the system and know how to do it by your own before you put real cash there to invest.

Strangely, I didn’t feel half as upsetting for the t money I had lost as I had lost him. For me, the connection I had felt with him was so beautiful, it was understanding, it was love, respect, kindness, caring, warmth, patience, a lot of admiration I had for him!

What Have I Learned and Experienced:

It is Not Outside Circumstance Makes Me Happy, happiness is an inner feeling.

Think about guys all these fantastic feelings inside me, bubbling out, people around me can feel it, I was so friendly, happy, generous, positive and love to treat people and to celebrate life more, feeling rich inside, buying things without thinking about price and thinking what I would like to do the most, who is the most powerful speaker that I want to learn from for my public speaking career that I like to take off!

Guys, you have to know this, all these happing, anything happed outside my world? No! In the contrary, I have put a few thousands in the market, it is called Cryptocurrency, to invest with him, meaning I have a few thousands short in my bank, yet I feel rich inside and feeling fantastic! 

The whole thing shook me so much, my inside churning like volcano. I think the biggest emotion tired inside me was sadness, grief! I thought about it and found no one in my life I had ever been so deeply talked to, sharing thoughts and ideas and emotions like we had. He understood me completely. I him. I felt he was like the God I have been admire and love, he had shown all the qualities a defined human could ever have.

He told me, he was once thought rich people were higher than him, once he got rich, he felt richer people or beggar on the street for him was same, really think about it he said, what to do with him, richer people would not give him a penny and poor people did not ask a penny from him. The word “Equally” he used made me admire his quality even more.

This wonderful connection with him we had built so strongly now it’s suddenly cut, for me like the air had taken from me. I was like picked up by him from earth to heaven and dropped onto earth again! The pain was so real and raw, I cried so much!

You see lost money didn’t upset me as much as I lost this friendship and I didn’t blame him, because what I did was against law, what comes out what comes in, if I try to have easy money in then money will be easy go.

We are all Searching A Deep Human Connection

We are all desiring someone who understands us deeply, accept us completely and appreciate us for who we are.

You see the longest research, which lasted for the time being 75 years, here is the link you can check out,, Robert shared what makes a person happy and healthy is trusting relationship, deep human connection. If we have relationship we feel we can rely on, if anything goes wrong. If we don’t have such relationships in life we feel lonely.

And loneness kills more people than smoking does. So deeply we’re all craving for quality human connections, because as human species to be able to survive it was relied on tribe, team work, alone could well be meaning death, to be eaten by other fierce animals, which we have inherited human science research proves this fact.

Each one of us is knowingly or unknowingly seeking for acceptance, love and appreciation. How can we best achieve this? We’ll try find the root of it and achieve human happiness by building trusting and happy relationships in our life.

What do you think?

I feel more alive than ever because I've started my Tai Chi and Qigong exercise again. It helps me to escape to another much more peaceful and pleasant world. Love to teach and share this great feelings with people of all ages. Visit (Daughter's Blog: