Clear Pronunciation

If we want to speak English as how it is speaking, we need to learn its pace, pitch, rhythm, stress…

For example, we will increase our pace when we speak English to match how we use Chinese as Chinese is a fast rate language.

We would naturally speak in a tone confuse our English speaker with a flat intonation or stress each word make us want to run away…

Here is all you need to know to give your message a tone and sound it requires and give your listeners a good time.

There are so many differences between how Chinese is used and how English is used. For example, pace, Chinese is a faster language, it reaches to a much quicker than English does, Chinese speakers have already developed faster pace habit, we would automatically speak far too fast for our English speaker listeners, which would scare them off.

Chinese speakers invest equal amount time and space for each syllable, but English has one stress words in many occasions, for tell them what the speaker is trying to say. If we stress each syllable it would be too much information for them we would tire our listeners away; if we don’t stress any syllable, they would think what we say nothing is important, so mis-communication created easy created.

If we want to speak effectively, there are a few elements we have to take care of or paying conscious attention to, and here they are: control volume; adopt rhythm; create a comfortable speaking speed; using pitches: finding the pitch range and control pitches; control voice pace and voice volume; understand intonation or stress syllables, practise connected speeches…

We have to take care of these elements in order to help our listeners to understand what we are trying to say, for they are hard wired to hear certain intonation, they are listen to the stress word especially…we will learn and control our pitch, volume, stress, reduction…to help us to be heard …to help our voice matter…to convey our message clearly…



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